news & opinion with no titillating non-news from the major non-news channels.
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The "17 navy standard" of our fleet is utterly remarkable.
Some of the new Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) prototype ships are cool. They are small fast destroyer class ships with catamaran hulls being used to demonstrate and evaluate technologies for combat and patrol ships around coastal areas supporting Special Ops, high speed transit, interdiction, intel and surveillance, mine operations, etc. There are three ships built by Incat from Australia currently being leased and operated by the Navy/USMC and the Army (what is the Army doing with sailing ships?!) They are the HSV-X1 Joint Venture, HSV2 Swift and the TSV-1X Spearhead. They sport a helo pad. The Swift was doing duty in New Orleans after H. Katrina.
The Navy is also starting to build LSC (Littoral Surface Craft) ships, not to be confused with LCS. They are a little smaller than the cats they are leasing. The Navy is currently building four experimental hulls (FSF-1 Sea Fighter is the first).
According to, LSCs cost $50 million apiece, the bigger LCSs at $250 million, DD(X)s at $8 billion! To an old Air Force veteran, I compare that to the $30-50 million price tag on the F-15 Eagles and the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (the F-22 comes a bit higher, around $135 million!).
GlobalSecurity has a good write-up on the direction the USNavy is headed...
I don't know why the Navy calls them destroyers, though. They're only about half as long as the new DD(X) class ships. Stick with with the ol' Patrol boat nomenclature...
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